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Christmas Concert


Different international institutions have emphasized the relevance of education to developing citizens who contribute to achieving the SDGs for 2030. However, a review focused on physical education (PE) has yet to be performed. I believe there are several SD Goals that can be addressed in Physical Education. What I have written here is an attempt to highlight the SDGs I can incorporate into my classes, and where they might sit.

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Sustainable Development Goals and the role of Physical Education 
The benefits of teaching dance using Laban's theories (click on the dancers)
Cultural Dance_edited.jpg
The benefits of teaching swimming from birth to teenagers (click on swimmers)
The benefits of teaching gymnastics (click on Irena)


Connections via Social Media and Email are all welcome, but face-to-face is much better! Let's Skype or Zoom and replace the emojis with real-time and real smiles.

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